Marble, Colorado

Historical Mines (26) Marble, Colorado History

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Marble Colorado ca1915

Yule Marble Company Finishing Mill - Marble, Colorado

Larkin Hotel - Marble, Colorado 1911

Yule Marble Quarry

Yule Marble Quarry - Marble, Colorado

Yule Marble Quarry - Marble, Colorado

Marble Colorado High School 1912

Interior view of the Yule marble quarry

View of Marble, Colorado in 1910

Hauling Marble Slabs to the Mill

Loading marble slabs onto the electric railway

Men of the Colorado Yule Marble Company load numbered marble blocks on flatbed rail cars on the 1910 completed standard gauge electric railway. The block is lowered 134 feet from an overhead cable. A steep wood stairway leads to quarry on face of Ragged Mountain. The long wooden bin on the right held coal for the quarry boilers.

Quarry 4 about the time Lincoln took charge - Marble, Colorado

Inside the Yule Marble Quarry

Interior view of the Yule marble quarry

Interior view of the Yule marble quarry

Quarry worker operates pneumatic drill at the Yule Marble Quarry

Receiving and shipping yard, Colorado Yule Marble Co.

Sorting yard at the Yule Marble Co. mill

Finishing of Cleveland Column - Marble, Colorado

Interior view of the Yule Marble Co. finishing plant

Hand polishing section of the Yule Marble Co. mill

Marble core sample eleven feet long

56 ton marble block for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

56 ton marble block for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

View of the Yule Marble Quarry

Yule Marble Quarry 1916