Pine Grove is in east-central Amador County about 10 miles east of Jackson. It includes the Irishtown and Clinton areas. It is a small Sierran east gold belt district that was first worked during the g:old rush and has been intermittently prospected ever since.
The district is underlain chiefly by graphitic slate, schist, and metachert. Granodiorite lies to the east and west. A number of narrow quartz veins containing small are shoots are rich in places. The are commonly contains abundant sulfides, especially galena and chalcopyrite. A few small patches of Tertiary auriferous channel gravels overlie the bedrock.
Black Wonder, Contini, Mikado, Peterson, Pine Grove Unit, Rainbow, Red Hill.
Carlson, D.W., and Clark, W.B., 1954, Amador County, Black Wonder, Contini, Peterson, Rainbow, and Red Hill mines: California Jour. Mines and Geology, vol. 50, pp. 172, 177-178, 189, and 192.
Turner, H.W., 1894, Jackson folio: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Atlas of the U.S., folio 11, 6 pp