Western Mining History is the work of Aaron Walton. Attribution for guest articles will be found at the top of relevant pages. Data used on this site is sourced from The United States Geological Survey and various state mining bureaus. Historical photos are sourced from a variety of archives, including state libraries, universities, and historical societies.
About Aaron
I’ve been doing this work for over 20 years and I think its time I introduced myself. My name is Aaron Walton and Western Mining History is my creation.
After graduating with a bachelors degree in Geology I worked two seasons on a mineral exploration crew in Alaska before pursuing interests in internet technology.
On a fateful 2002 road trip, I took the highway exit to Uptown Butte, Montana and was so stunned at what I saw there that a lifetime interest in mining history was born. Western Mining History was launched in 2003 and for many years was just a place to post photos from the numerous mining towns I visited over the years.
Finally in 2018 I quit my corporate job and set out to do Western Mining History full time. This is work I thoroughly enjoy and I hope that you have enjoyed the site as well.
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