Crescent District
Other Names: Crescent Peak, New York, Timber Mountain
County: Clark
Discovered: 1894
Commodities: silver, gold, lead, copper, turquoise, molybdenum, vanadium, beryllium, thorium and rare earths, uranium, perlite
The district includes the northern New York Mountains and the southern end of the McCullough Range and is located about 12 miles west of Searchlight. Wheeler (1872) included the Crescent Peak area in the large New York district, centered on the New York Mountains in California but extending east to touch the historic Colorado district, located south of present- day Searchlight. Averett (1962) described a Timber Mountain district discovered in 1910 on “Timber Mountain 17 miles west of Searchlight” that is possibly somewhere in the Crescent Peak area.
Wheeler, 1872, p. 53; Hill, 1912, p. 201; Lincoln, 1923, p. 19; Stoddard, 1932, p. 24; Vanderburg, 1937b, p. 19; Gianella, 1945, p. 23; Averett, 1962, p. 32, 94; Gemmill, 1964, p. 235; Griffiths, 1964, p. 72-73; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 139; Garside, 1973, p. 35; Bonham, 1976
Crow Springs District
Other Names: Royston, Southern Cedar Mountains
County: Esmeralda
Commodities: turquoise, silver, lead, copper, gold, antimony, uranium, perlite
Located in the vicinity of Crow Springs and Outlaw Springs in the southern Cedar Mountains and the northeastern tip of the Monte Cristo Range, Esmeralda County. Crow Springs is sometimes included in the adjacent Royston district.
Lincoln, 1923, p. 62; Stoddard, 1932, p. 36; Gianella, 1945, p. 51; Lawrence, 1963, p. 66; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 64; Garside, 1973, p. 47
Cuprite District
County: Esmeralda
Discovered: 1905
Commodities: copper, gold, silver, lead, mercury, silica, sulfur
Located near U.S. Highway 95 about 12 miles south of Goldfield. The district extends northeast from Mount Jackson and includes Mount Jackson Ridge and the Cuprite Hills. Metallic occurrences are mainly southwest of U.S. Highway 95; sulfur and silica deposits are east and west of the highway, in the northern part of the district.
Hill, 1912, p. 206; Lincoln, 1923, p. 63; Stoddard, 1932, p. 36; Bailey and Phoenix, 1944, p. 139; Gianella, 1945, p. 51; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 65
Currant District
Other Names: Currant Creek, Butterfield Marsh, Railroad Valley, Railroad Valley Marsh, Silverton
County: Nye, White Pine
Discovered: 1914
Commodities: gold, lead, copper, tungsten, magnesite, uranium, fluorspar
This district encompasses the southern White Pine Range, the Horse Range, and the northernmost part of the Grant Range. Kral (1951) included Railroad Valley (Butterfield) Marsh along with Silverton, to the west, in a large Currant district. Deposits of magnesite occur in the White Pine County part of the district.
Lincoln, 1923, p. 166; Stoddard, 1932, p. 65; Kral, 1951, p. 47; Garside, 1973, p. 93; Hose and others, 1976, p. 50; Papke, 1979, p. 34; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984, p. 77; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 138
Currant Placer District Description
An ounce of placer gold was credited to the Currant district in 1914. The few gold properties known in this small district are located on the south flank of the White Pine Range (T. 11 N., R. 59 E.) a few miles east of the town of Currant. The Sheperd property produced gold-lead- copper ore in 1914, and it is probable that the placer gold was recovered from the vicinity of this property.
Lincoln, 1923.
Krai, 1951.