Desert Mountains, Diamond, Diamondfield, Dike, Disaster Districts

Publication Info:
Nevada Mining Districts (Compiled Reports)
The Districts Described in This Section are from the following publications:

Mining Districts of Nevada - Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report 47 (updated 1998); Placer Gold Deposits of Nevada - USGS Bulletin 1356 (1973)

Table of Contents

Desert Mountains District


Other Names:

County: Lyon

Commodities: diatomite, montmorillonite, gold, silver


Includes the western Desert Mountains, extending from area of the Thompson smelter site west of U.S. Highway 95A, east to Cleaver Peak, and extends north to include the clay mining area on the northwestern end of the mountains.


Papke, 1970, p. 23; Tingley, 1990, p. 55

Diamond District


Other Names: Phillipsburg, Sentinel

County: Eureka

Discovered: 1864

Organized: 1864

Commodities: silver, lead, zinc, copper, gold


Located on the western slope of the Diamond Range, about 20 miles north and slightly east of Eureka. The Phillipsburg area is at the north end of the district, and was the site of most of the mining activity. The Sentinel area, described as only 12 miles north of Eureka, is probably in the area of Black Point in the southern part of the present district.


Stretch, 1867, p. 98; Territorial Enterprise, June 18, 1871, 2:3; White, 1871, p. 65; Wheeler, 1872, p. 36; Whitehill, 1873, p. 79; Whitehill, 1875, p. 87; Angel, 1881, p. 429; Lincoln, 1923, p. 87; Stoddard, 1932, p. 42; Vanderburg, 1938b, p. 28; Roberts and others, 1967, p. 74; Bonham, 1976

Diamondfield District


County: Esmerlada

Commodities: gold, silver, mercury


Located about 5 miles northeast of Goldfield in the area of McMahon Ridge and Black Butte. Diamondfield is commonly included within the Goldfield district.


Bailey and Phoenix, 1944, p. 144; Albers and Stewart, 1972, p. 65; Shamberger, 1982, p. 29-32

Dike District


County: Clark

Discovered: 1916

Commodities: lead


The Dike district is located in the northwestern part of T19S, R63E, and the southwestern part of T18S, R63E, in the southern Las Vegas Range about 12 miles northeast of Las Vegas.


Stoddard, 1932, p. 24; Gianella, 1945, p. 24; Longwell and others, 1965, p. 144

Disaster District


Other Names: Disaster Peak, Kings River, Moonlight area, Trout Creek Mountains area

County: Humboldt

Active: 1914

Commodities: gold, silver, uranium, lithium carbonate


Located on the northeast and east sides of Kings River Valley in the Montana Mountains. The district originally included only the area near Disaster Peak, on the Oregon border, but is now expanded to include the Kings River and Moonlight uranium areas of Garside (1973). The district also includes the Montana Mountains lithium area of Lowe and others (1985).


Hill, 1912, p. 212; Lincoln, 1923, p. 97; Stoddard, 1932, p. 44; Garside, 1973, p. 58; Bonham, 1976; Wong, 1982, table 1; Lowe and others, 1985, p. 137

Disaster (Kings River) Placer District Description

A few reports mention past placer-mining activity (1914, 1935) along China and Horse Creeks at the north end of the east side of the Kings River Valley (Tps. 46 and 47 N., Rs. 33 and 34 E.). Total production was probably very small.


Lincoln, 1923.

Vanderburg, 1936a.

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