Gold Basin District (Churchill County)
County: Churchill
Commodities: gold, silver
Located in low hills east of Fairview Peak, sometimes included in the adjacent Fairview district.
Schrader, 1947, p. 123; Tingley, 1990, p. 83
Gold Basin District (Elko County)
Other Names: Rowland
County: Elko
Discovered: 1869; 1907
Active: 1907-10
Commodities: gold, silver, copper
The original Gold Basin district included only gold placer locations along the north fork of the Bruneau River (Vanderburg, 1936a). Lode mining area near the town of Rowland was later included in the district. LaPointe and others (1991) expanded the district to include the area extending east of Bruneau Canyon to the west flanks of Bearpaw Mountain.
Hill, 1912, p. 204; Stoddard, 1932, p. 31; Gianella, 1945, p. 41; Vanderburg, 1936a, p. 72; Granger and others, 1957, p. 64; Patterson and others, 1969, p. 616; Smith, 1976, p. 69; LaPointe and others, 1991, p. 99
Gold Basin Placer District Description (Elko County)
Placers were worked before 1900 and in 1931 along the north fork of the Bruneau River in the vicinity of Rowland (T. 47 N., R. 56 E.), but no production has been recorded from the area.
Engineering and Mining Journal, 1893: Reports discovery of placers along Bruneau River.
Paher, 1970: States placer gold discovered on Bruneau River in 1869.
Vanderburg, 1936a: Reports small placer-mining activity in 1931; gravels valued at less than $1 per cubic yard.
Gold Basin District (Lander County)
Other Names: Carroll
County: Lander
Discovered: 1912
Active: 1912
Commodities: gold, silver, copper, lead
Located at Carroll Summit, on the Lander- Churchill county line, in T16N, R38E.
Lincoln, 1923, p. 111; Stoddard, 1932, p. 49, 20; Lotz, 1934, p. 20, 16; Stewart and others, 1977, p. 79