Jumbo, Jungo, Juniper Range Districts

Publication Info:
Nevada Mining Districts (Compiled Reports)
The Districts Described in This Section are from the following publications:

Mining Districts of Nevada - Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report 47 (updated 1998); Placer Gold Deposits of Nevada - USGS Bulletin 1356 (1973)

Table of Contents

Jumbo District


Other Names: West Comstock, Argentine, Corduroy

County: Washoe

Discovered: 1859

Organized: 1860

Active: 1861-1863

Commodities: gold, silver, tungsten


The Jumbo district lies on the western slope of the Virginia Range west of Virginia City. The original district name was Argentine.


DeGroot, 1863; Stretch, 1867, p. 18, 23; Angel, 1881, p. 538; King, 1885, p. 513; Washoe County Records, 1888; Stuart, 1909, p. 152; Lincoln, 1923, p. 236; Stoddard, 1932, p. 83; Overton, 1947, p. 66; Bonham, 1969, p. 64; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 200

Jumbo Placer District Description


West flank of the Virginia Range, T. 16 N., R. 20 E.

Topographic Maps

Virginia City 15-minute quadrangle.

Geologic Maps

Thompson, 1956, Geologic map of the Virginia City quadrangle, Nevada (pl. 3), scale 1:62,500.


From Reno, 16 miles south on U.S. Highway 395 to junction with dirt road that leads east, up the flank of Virginia Range, about 6 miles to Jumbo mining district.


The Jumbo district is a small lode mining district on the opposite flank of the Virginia Range from the Comstock district. Most of the mines are near the crest of the range (sees. 34 and 35, T. 16 N., R. 20 E.). Small amounts of placer gold were recovered from placers in this district.

Production History

Production history: Most of the placer gold credited to the Jumbo district was recovered between 1937 and 1940, by small-scale methods.


The placer gold in the Jumbo district was probably derived from the small oxidized veins that cut the Alta Formation (Miocene). Free gold is the only economically important metal in the veins.


Bonham, 1969: Describes lode deposits; notes small-scale placer mining.

Mining and Engineering World, 1913b: Reports plans to develop lodes and placers: extensive placer gravels exposed near Pandora Comstock lode.

Thompson, 1956: Briefly describes types of ores found in Jumbo district.

U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1937-40: Gives placer production figures.

Jungo District


Other Names: Donna Shee, Dunnashee

County: Humboldt

Commodities: gold (placer), mercury, lead, silver


Covers an area generally north of the Western Pacific Railroad tracks, including the Jungo Hills in the vicinity of Donna Shea Peak. The district extends between Antelope siding and the townsite of Jungo.


U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1954, p. 693; Johnson, 1973, p. 35; Bonham and others, 1985

Juniper Range District


Other Names:

County: Pershing, Churchill

Discovered: 1918

Commodities: tungsten, copper, silver, gold


Located in the southern end of the Sahwave Mountains (Juniper Range) in Pershing County and extends south to Sage Hen Creek in Churchill County.


Lincoln, 1923, p. 208; Stoddard, 1932, p. 77; Johnson, 1977, p. 63; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 165; Tingley, 1989, p. 5

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