Discovery of the Silver King
(1875 Weekly Journal-Miner)
The Quicksilver Mines of New Almaden in 1857
(1863 Harpers New Monthly Magazine)
Down in the Cinnabar Mines - A Visit to New Almaden in 1865
(1865 Harper's New Monthly Magazine)
New Almaden - A California Mining Camp
(1878 Scribner's Monthly Magazine)
Dogs of the Klondike and Alaska
(1898 Two Years in the Klondike and Alaska Gold-Fields)
Arrival at Circle City
(1898 Two Years in the Klondike and Alaska Gold-Fields)
The Dreaded Chilkoot Pass
(1898 Two Years in the Klondike and Alaska Gold-Fields)
The Prospector and His Burro - The Day of the Prospector Has Not Passed
(1913 The Salt Lake Mining Review)
The Mining Camp (Comstock Lode 1859-1860)
(1883 Comstock Mining and Miners)
The Prospector and His Burro - Claim Jumping
(1916 The Salt Lake Mining Review)
The Prospector and the Pay Streak
(1911 The Salt Lake Mining Review)
The Prospector and His Burro - The Faulty Ladder
(1910 Salt Lake Mining Review)
The Lost Ledge
(1869 Adventures in the Apache Country)
The Prospector and His Burro - Another Lost Bonanza
(1909 Salt Lake Mining Review)
How an Alcalde Was Once Deposed
(1885 Mining Camps – A Study in American Frontier Government)
George Witherell Hung
(1888 Newspaper)
The Prospector and His Burro - Stock Manipulation
(1910 Salt Lake Mining Review)
"Fooled the Robbers" - an Incident of the Days of Stagecoach Holdups
(1909 Newspaper)
The Prospector and His Burro - Roving and Hermit Prospectors
(1907 Salt Lake Mining Review)
The Greatest Fire in a Mine
(1895 Newspaper)