Haystack, Hellsapoppin, Hicks, Highland Districts

Publication Info:
Nevada Mining Districts (Compiled Reports)
The Districts Described in This Section are from the following publications:

Mining Districts of Nevada - Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report 47 (updated 1998); Placer Gold Deposits of Nevada - USGS Bulletin 1356 (1973)

Table of Contents

Haystack District


County: Pershing

Discovered: 1914

Commodities: gold, silver, tungsten


Located on the northern and eastern slopes of the Antelope Range. The district includes Alpha Mountain.


Lincoln, 1923, p. 206; Stoddard, 1932, p. 76; Vanderburg, 1936b, p. 15; Johnson, 1977, p. 57; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 161

Hellzapoppin District


County: Clark

Active: 1940



A mining district near Las Vegas for which a 50-ton mill was planned in 1940. The exact location is unknown, but may be the Frenchman Mine on the west side of Frenchman Mountain in the Las Vegas district, east of the city.


Averett, 1962, p. 51

Hicks District


Other Names: Mountain City, Gold Basin, Alder

County: Elko

Commodities: silver, lead, zinc, gold, manganese, copper, antimony


The Hicks district originally included only the Hicks and McDonnell mines near McDonald Creek. The district now includes Hicks Mountain, Hicks Creek, and Enright Hill, which, according to Smith (1976), may in some reports be included in the Mountain City district and, in others, in the Gold Basin or Alder districts.


Whitehill, 1877, p. 24; Angel, 1881, p. 394; Smith, 1976, p. 83; LaPointe and others, 1991, P. 110

Highland District


Other Names: Highland Valley, Pioche, Stampede Gap

County: Lincoln

Discovered: 1869

Organized: 1869

Commodities: lead, silver, gold, copper, tungsten, manganese, iron


The Highland district is located in the northern Highland Range and southern Bristol Range and generally includes the area from near Arizona Peak to north of Stampede Gap. The district is sometimes included in the Pioche district, to the east, and some properties are shared with the Comet district, to the south. Averett (1962) used the name Stampede Gap for a district in the vicinity of Stampede Gap, 10 miles west of Pioche.


White, 1871, p. 103; Whitehill, 1873, p. 97; Hill, 1912, p. 217; Lincoln, 1923, p. 124; Stoddard, 1932, p. 53; Averett, 1962, p. 91; Horton, 1962 Tschanz and Pampeyan, 1970, p. 147

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