Manning, Marietta, Masonic, McClanahan, McClellan Districts

Publication Info:
Nevada Mining Districts (Compiled Reports)
The Districts Described in This Section are from the following publications:

Mining Districts of Nevada - Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report 47 (updated 1998); Placer Gold Deposits of Nevada - USGS Bulletin 1356 (1973)

Table of Contents

Manning District


County: White Pine


Location is unknown.


Whitehill, 1873, p. 145

Marietta District


Other Names: Black Mountain, Excelsior, Silver Star, Thunder Spring

County: Mineral

Discovered: 1866

Commodities: silver, lead, tungsten, copper, uranium, beryllium


Located on the southern flanks of the east-central Excelsior Mountains and includes the portion of the mountains lying generally north and west of Teels Marsh. The district is situated in T5N, R34E, near the historic stageroad from Carson to Belleville. Present Marietta district formed about 1878, the original discoveries were in the Black Mountain area, north of Marietta camp.The district was later included in the adjacent Silver Star district.

A Thunder Spring district was described as being south of the historic Pahdet district (Whisky Flat); the 1880 map shows Marietta to be south of Pahdet and therefore possibly in the area of Thunder Spring.


General Land Office, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 39, 41; Whitehill, 1879, p. 25; Lotz, 1934, p. 21; Vanderburg, 1937a, p. 40; Griffiths, 1964, p. 72-73; Garside, 1973, p. 82; Bonham, 1980

Masonic District


Other Names: Sunny Jim, Cornell

County: Mineral

Commodities: gold, silver, tungsten


Located in T6N, R26E.The district is partly in Nevada, but the major portion is in California. Masonic may be the historic Cornell district shown on the 1866 map.


General Land Office, 1866; Stretch, 1867, p. 36; Lotz, 1934, p. 21; Stager and Tingley, 1988, p. 132

McClanahan District


Other Names: Boulder City, Mesabi

County: Clark

Discovered: 1906

Commodities: gold, silver, copper, turquoise, alum


Lotz (1934) located this district in T22S, R64-65E. Averett (1962) placed a Mesabi district at that location, and placed McClanahan about 15 miles to the east, at the mouth of Boulder Canyon in the present Black Mountains district.


Lotz, 1934, p. 17; Gianella, 1945, p. 23; Averett, 1962, p. 67, 69; Morrissey, 1968, p. 3

McClellan District


Other Names: Spanish Springs Valley, Hungry Valley, Sugarloaf Peak area, Pah Rah Range area, Right Hand Canyon area, Stormy Canyon

County: Washoe

Organized: 1876

Commodities: copper, antimony, lead, uranium, titanium


The McClellan district includes Spanish Springs Valley, Hungry Valley, and the Pah Rah Range area, north and northeast of Sparks.The original district boundaries ran from the Coyote Spring area south to Spanish Springs, east to Wilcox Ranch (Canyon?), north along the summit of the range to the head of Piute Canyon, then back to Coyote Canyon. Washoe County mining records describe a Stormy Canyon district located in section 16, T21N, R20E; this area is included in the present McClellan district.


King, 1885, p. 588; Beal, 1963, p. 25; Lawrence, 1963, p. 218, 221; Garside, 1973, p. 105; Wong, 1982, table 1, Washoe County mining records.

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