
The Bunkhouse is a gold and silver mine located in Alaska.

About the MRDS Data:

All mine locations were obtained from the USGS Mineral Resources Data System. The locations and other information in this database have not been verified for accuracy. It should be assumed that all mines are on private property.

Mine Info

Name: Bunkhouse

State:  Alaska

County:  na


Commodity: Gold, Silver

Lat, Long: 63.223, -149.63900

Map: View on Google Maps

Bunkhouse MRDS details

Site Name

Primary: Bunkhouse


Primary: Gold
Primary: Silver
Secondary: Antimony
Secondary: Mercury
Secondary: Arsenic
Secondary: Bismuth


State: Alaska
District: Valdez Creek

Land Status

Not available


Not available


Not available


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Not available


Record Type: Site
Operation Category: Prospect
Operation Type: Unknown
Years of Production:


Not available

Mineral Deposit Model

Model Name: Polymetallic veins
Model Name: Hot-spring Au-Ag


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Not available


Alteration Type: L
Alteration Text: Zones adjacent to the veins are bleached and argillized.


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Analytical Data

Not available


Ore: Pyrite
Ore: Marcasite
Ore: Arsenopyrite
Gangue: Quartz


Comment (Workings): Workings / Exploration = The Bunkhouse deposit was discovered by trenching and soil sampling. Five drill holes, totaling 2100 feet, have tested the prospect to a depth of 500 feet (unpublished report by Addwest Minerals International Ltd., 1997).

Comment (Exploration): Status = Active

Comment (Deposit): Model Number = 22c, 25a

Comment (Reference): Primary Reference = unpublished report by Addwest Minerals International Ltd., 1997

Comment (Geology): Geologic Description = The Bunkhouse prospect is about 2,500 feet north-northeast of the Golden Zone (HE043). The country rocks at the prospect are Triassic redbed sedimentary rocks, cut by the Bryn Mawr fault. The deposit consists of fault-controlled quartz stockwork veins and pods containing pyrite, arsenopyrite, and marcasite(?). The country rocks adjacent to the veins are bleached and argillized (unpublished report by Addwest Minerals International Ltd., 1997). Zones of disseminated sulfides up to 15 feet thick in the altered country rock contain up to 0.2 ounce of gold per ton (unpublished drill hole data). The Bunkhouse (and Lupin, HE038) deposits contain less base metals and more silver, arsenic, antimony, mercury and bismuth than the other deposits at and near the Golden Zone mine. Their ore mineralogy suggests an epithermal depositional environment.

Comment (Geology): Age = the Bunkhouse deposit may postdate the Late Cretaceous - Early Tertiary deposit at the Golden Zone mine (HE043).

Comment (Deposit): Model Name = Polymetallic vein or hot-spring Ag-Au (Cox and Singer, 1986; model 22c, 25a)


Not available

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