The Jessup Gold Prospect is a gold and silver mine located in Churchill county, Nevada.
About the MRDS Data:
All mine locations were obtained from the USGS Mineral Resources Data System. The locations and other information in this database have not been verified for accuracy. It should be assumed that all mines are on private property.
Mine Info
Satelite View
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Jessup Gold Prospect MRDS details
Site Name
Primary: Jessup Gold Prospect
Secondary: Central Jessup District
Secondary: Gold King claim (Central Jessup district)
Secondary: Valley King claims (Central Jessup district)
Secondary: San Jacinto Zone
Secondary: San Jacinto South Zone
Secondary: San Jacinto West Zone
Secondary: North Jessup Property
Primary: Gold
Primary: Silver
Tertiary: Arsenic
Tertiary: Mercury
Tertiary: Tungsten
Tertiary: Antimony
State: Nevada
County: Churchill
District: Jessup District
Land Status
Land ownership: Private
Note: the land ownership field only identifies whether the area the mine is in is generally on public lands like Forest Service or BLM land, or if it is in an area that is generally private property. It does not definitively identify property status, nor does it indicate claim status or whether an area is open to prospecting. Always respect private property.
Not available
Not available
Owner Name: Southwestern Gold Corporation
Info Year: 1992
Owner Name: Echo Bay
Owner Name: Alex Von Hafften
Info Year: 1999
Not available
Record Type: Site
Operation Category: Past Producer
Deposit Type: vein; some placer
Operation Type: Surface-Underground
Year First Production: 1908
Year Last Production: 1940
Discovery Year: 1908
Years of Production:
Significant: Y
Deposit Size: S
Not available
Mineral Deposit Model
Model Name: Epithermal vein, Comstock
Form: tabular to blanket to irregular
Type: L
Description: NE-trending faults. Structural deformation in the Jessup area was episodic and controlled mainly by caldera-related structures, which are predominantly normal faults along ring fractures. These structures appear to have been reactivated following lithification of the basin-fill material.
Alteration Type: L
Alteration Text: There is widespread argillic and limonitic alteration with associated silicification and mineralization. Altered volcanic rocks show characteristically anomalous geochemical signatures in mercury, arsenic, and antimony. Alteration is that typically associated with volcanic-hosted epithermal systems and consists of blanket argillic bleaching with disseminated limonite (pyrite at depth) along a broad arc across the district. All gold mineralization in the district appears to be associated with this regional alteration pattern, which in turn is controlled by both caldera structures and rock permeability. The lapilli tuffs appear to be the most permeable rocks in the area.Alteration and mineralization post-date the rhyolite.
Name: Rhyolite
Role: Host
Age Type: Host Rock
Age Young: Paleocene
Name: Andesite
Role: Host
Age Type: Host Rock
Age Young: Paleocene
Name: Metavolcanic Rock
Role: Host
Age Type: Host Rock
Age Young: Mesozoic
Analytical Data
Not available
Ore: Scheelite
Ore: Cerargyrite
Ore: Gold
Gangue: Quartz
Comment (Commodity): Ore Materials: free gold, cerargyrite, scheelite
Comment (Commodity): Gangue Materials: quartz, iron oxides
Comment (Deposit): There are two types of gold occurrence in the Jessup District: subvertical quartz-breccia veins, and disseminated quartz stockworks. At the San Jacinto Mine, gold production was from an east- west-trending sub-vertical zone of hydrothermal alteration consisting of silicification and argillization associated with the San Jacinto fault zone in sedimentary/ignimbrite package. In the prospected areas, small veins up to one foot wide carry quartz and iron oxides. In 2006, Pan-Nevada?s high-grade drill intercept (55.7 grams per ton, or 1.625 ounces per ton) occurs within a stockwork of oxidized quartz-pyrite veinlets that are hosted by strong clay-altered andesite. The five foot interval includes veins up to ? inch wide. Another high grade mineralized zone appears clearly related to strongly-silicified ash tuff with frequent zones of hydrothermal breccia, similar to (and perhaps connected to) the San Jacinto Breccia Pipe. Breccia clasts are often obviously rotated and occur within a fine-grained matrix comprised of silica and pyrite, with pyrite locally up to 25 percent of the matrix. The 15 feet averaging 0.076 ounces per ton (445 feet to 460 feet) is related to a silicified zone in ash/pumice/lithic tuff breccia containing quartz-pyrite stringers. The 10 foot interval averaging 0.067 ounces per ton (490 feet to 500 feet) involves argillized ash/pumice/lithic tuff from 490 feet to 496 feet and then the upper part of a wide shear zone that extends from 496 feet to 520 feet. The North Jessup property is developed in a rhyolite plug that intrudes metavolcanic rocks. The rhyolite is altered, with the feldspars and much of the groundmass converted to clay minerals and sericite. Irregular fractures extend through the rock with common iron staining and some silicification of the rhyolite adjacent to the fractures and with quartz seams in some of the fractures. Surface work by Southwestern Gold Corporation in the North Jessup area identified a quartz stockwork about 25 feet square assaying up to 5.3 ppm gold. A 15-foot drill intersection had reported assays of 3.9 ppm Au. Surface mapping in the area combined with drill data suggests that the central portion of the North Jessup area consists of down-dropped blocks of strongly altered sediment and ignimbrite with both low-grade blanket-type and higher grade feeder-type mineralization present.
Comment (Economic Factors): Santa Fe Pacific Minerals reportedly delineated a geological resource of a million tonnes of ore grading 0.31 opt gold (sic) on the San Jacinto South zone in 1985. ( typo?should be .031 opt?) After drilling, Southwestern Gold Corporation geologists calculated a mineral inventory for the combined San Jacinto Mine area, San Jacinto South, and the Central Jessup area of 1,492,000. tons of ore with average grade of 0.035 opt gold and 0.37 opt silver to a maximum depth of 250 feet, minable by open pit methods. Pan-Nevada Gold Corp. in 2006 was re-evaluating the resource, but it was reportedly at: resource = 8,370,000 tons grading 0.025 opt Au, 0.25 opt Ag inferred.
Comment (Development): Jessup Gold Prospect The Gold King was the original discovery claim, adjoining the Valley King Group which claims produced about 1000 ounces of gold in 1908-1909. In 1932, Olaf Johnson discovered placer gold on top of a small hill on the Valley King claim and several ounces of gold were produced there by dry-washing. The claims were under lease to Kenneth Dale and Dick Collins in 1938. The property has attracted exploration for epithermal gold mineralization since the 1960s and 1970s, when Great Basin Exploration drilled one shallow rotary drillhole on the prospect and Simplot excavated a number of trenches. In 1982, Occidental Petroleum conducted surface sampling and geologic mapping and drilled 13 rotary holes totaling 4165 feet in the San Jacinto and Central Jessup areas. Also in 1982, Cordex Syndicate mapped and sampled the entire district and drilled 42 vertical and angle holes totaling 15,655 feet in the San Jacinto West, San Jacinto South, San Jacinto, Central Jessup, North Jessup, Miing Lady and Tosh Hill areas. Cordex dropped the property in 1983 following this work. Santa Fe Pacific Minerals mapped and sampled the district in 1985, and drilled 23 rotary holes totaling 8700 feet, which reportedly delineated a geological resource of a million tonnes grading 0.31 opt gold on the San Jacinto South zone. In 1986, Bullion Mountain Mining Company reported a gold discovery in the Jessup District and delineated a gold-mineralized zone 100 feet wide and 7000 feet long containing values as high as 0.27 opt gold from surface sampling. The prospect was described as being adjacent to Long Lac Mineral Exploration Company's property in the same district. It is reported that Bullion's prospect was at the site of the old Gold Ore Claims. In 1988-1989, Draco Gold Mines of Tucson, AZ leased the property, was taken over by Amax Exploration who trenched the property in 1989 and drilled 10 RC angle holes in the San Jacinto West and Central Jessup areas. Amax relinquished the property in 1990. Southwestern Gold Corporation identified the Jessup district as an area of interest during a regional reconnaissance program in 1990-1991 involving detailed mapping, trenching, rock chip sampling, and geophysical surveys. In 1992 Southwest identified 5 targets within the district: San Jacinto Mine area, San Jacinto West, San Jacinto South, Central Jessup, and North Jessup. IP and magnetic surveys, trenching and sampling was done in these areas and defined a mineralized zone 100 feet by 700 feet grading up to .17 opt gold at the surface. A preliminary drilling program or 16 RC holes totaling 3720 feet was carried out in spring 1992 by SWG to test four of the target zones: San Jacinto Mine area, San Jacinto West, San Jacinto South, and Central Jessup. Metallurgical tests on two 50-kg samples indicated that the Jessup mineralized rock was very amenable to heap leach extraction of gold. Of the target areas, three contained gold mineralization of economic significance: the San Jacinto Mine area, San Jacinto South, and the Central Jessup area. SW signed a 10-year lease-option agreement on 91 claims with claim owner Alex Von Hafften and staked and additional 36 claims on the prospect. The property is in the "checkerboard" area of alternate section ownership by Santa Fe Corporation from original railroad land grants. Echo Bay discovered two deposits in this area for which the exact location is uncertain. In 2002, NDT Ventures Ltd. announced plans to explore the Hannah property in the Jessup district. Previous workers on the property obtained numerous gold values exceeding 0.03 opt Au over a large area of bleached and tourmalinized sedimentary rocks that could be traced over a strike length of almost 2,000 feet. The best gold assays (up to 0.5 opt Au) have been reported in iron-oxide-stained, silicified rocks. No drilling has been conducte
Comment (Workings): Development consists of an older 200-ft. shaft with 1000 ft. of workings, pits, and more recent surface prospecting and repeated episodes of drilling. The North Jessup property is developed by an old vertical shaft and underground workings that probably exceed 200 feet in total extent. More recent surface prospecting has been conducted in the area.
Comment (Development): Jessup Gold Prospect (continued) In 2006, the Jessup property was owned by Pan-Nevada Gold Corp. who drilled 7 holes and reported high-grade gold values. North Jessup Property In October 1997, Americomm Resources Corp., announced that Echo Bay Exploration Inc. had successfully completed a third round of exploration drilling on their Jessup Gold Property that identified a new gold resource area. Drilling to date on the 2,200-acre site totals 38,575-feet in 120 reverse circulation holes. Echo Bay, reported reserves present, but unknown in amount.
Comment (Geology): Earlier work indicates that the Jessup area hosts a Tertiary volcanic caldera complex with associated epithermal gold mineralization controlled by faulting along the caldera margins. The oldest recognized rocks within the prospected area are Triassic-Jurassic basalts which are metamorphosed to upper greenschist/ lower amphibolite facies. A series of caldera-related Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks unconformably overlies the Mesozoic basement rocks. These volcanics range in composition from andesite to rhyolite. This period of Tertiary volcanism initiated with the eruption of a few hundred meter thickness of subaerial andesites. This phase terminated with the collapse of the central area forming a large caldera, controlled by a series of ring fractures. Erosion of these andesites in the northern part of the caldera produced thin layers of andesitic sand and conglomerate preserved in isolated portions of the caldera. As subsidence continued in the central part of the caldera, fine-grained clastic sediments and chert were deposited in lakes, followed by ignimbrite deposits of rhyolitic lapilli tuff. Andesitic volcanism followed, and renewed collapse of the caldera along the ring fractures accompanied by emplacement of rhyolitic flows, domes, and dikes.
Comment (Location): UTM is to geographic center of the three main Jessup deposit target areas. North Jessup is 1.3 mi to the ENE, but the edges of the orebodies are probably within 1km. So North Jessup was merged into Jessup.
Reference (Deposit): Willden, Ronald, and Speed, R.C., 1974, Geology and Mineral Deposits of Churchill County, Nevada: NBMG Bull. 83.Vanderburg, W.O., 1940, USBM Information Circular 7093
Reference (Deposit): NBMG files,unpublished report, 1992
Reference (Deposit): Jerry Baughman, oral communication, 1999
Reference (Deposit): Baughman, J and Paterson, J., 1992, Drilling Report on the Jessup Property, Churchill County, Nevada, for Southwestern Gold Corporation, unpublished, in NBMG MD File # 2550.
Reference (Deposit): NDT Ventures Ltd., press release, 8/21/02.
Reference (Deposit): Pan-Nevada Gold Corp. website and press releases, 2006.
Reference (Deposit): Winter, L.D.S., 1992, Geological Report on the Jessup Property Nevada for Southwestern Gold Corporation, unpublished, in NBMG MD File # 2550.
Reference (Deposit): Carson Sink Land Status, 1974.
Reference (Deposit): Long, K.R., DeYoung, J.H., Jr., and Ludington, S.D., 1998, Database of significant deposits of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in the United States; Part A, Database description and analysis; part B, Digital database: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-206, 33 p., one 3.5 inch diskette.
Reference (Deposit): Vanderburg, W.O., 1940, USBM Information Circular 7093
Reference (Deposit): NBMG MI-96, MI-97, MI-98
Reference (Deposit): USBM, 1979, MILS
Reference (Deposit): NBMG Bull. 83
Reference (Deposit): NDT Ventures website
Reference (Deposit): Americomm press release 1997.
Nevada Gold

Nevada has a total of 368 distinct gold districts. Of the of those, just 36 are major producers with production and/or reserves of over 1,000,000 ounces, 49 have production and/or reserves of over 100,000 ounces, with the rest having less than 100,000 ounces. Read more: Gold Districts of Nevada.