Spor Mountain district

The Spor Mountain district is a beryllium mine located in Juab county, Utah.

About the MRDS Data:

All mine locations were obtained from the USGS Mineral Resources Data System. The locations and other information in this database have not been verified for accuracy. It should be assumed that all mines are on private property.

Mine Info

Name: Spor Mountain district

State:  Utah

County:  Juab


Commodity: Beryllium

Lat, Long: 39.707, -113.21700

Map: View on Google Maps

Spor Mountain district MRDS details

Site Name

Primary: Spor Mountain district
Secondary: Topaz Mountain
Secondary: North End
Secondary: Sigma Emma
Secondary: Taurus
Secondary: Roadside
Secondary: Fluoro
Secondary: Rainbow
Secondary: Blue Chalk
Secondary: Claybank
Secondary: Hogsback


Primary: Beryllium
Tertiary: Zinc
Tertiary: Lithium
Tertiary: Uranium
Tertiary: Manganese
Tertiary: Fluorine-Fluorite


State: Utah
County: Juab

Land Status

Not available


Not available


Not available


Not available


Not available


Record Type: District
Operation Category: Producer
Operation Type: Unknown
Discovery Year: 1959
Years of Production:
Significant: Y


Not available

Mineral Deposit Model

Model Name: Spor Mountain Be-F-U deposits


Not available


Type: R
Structure: Basin and Range faulting


Not available


Not available

Analytical Data

Not available


Ore: Fluorspar
Ore: Bertrandite


Comment (Names): Spor Mountain district contains numerous mines including: North End (10041805); Taurus (10041806); SIgma Emma (10021607, 10055077); Roadside-Fluoro (10020422, 10252151); Rainbow (10020433, 10055162); Blue Chalk (10021608, 10041801, 10155143, 10055075); Claybank (10041802, 10155342); Hogsback (10011531, 10041804), and Topaz Mountain (10179751, 10107817)


Reference (Geology): Bikun, J.V., 1980, Fluorine and lithophile element mineralization at Spor Mountain, Utah, in D. M. Burt, M. F. Sheridan, J. Bikun, E. Christiansen, B. P. Correa, B. Murphy, and S. Self (editors), Uranium mineralization in fluorine-enriched volcanic rocks; final report: U. S. Dep. Energy, Grand Junction Off., Grand Junction, CO, United States,GJBX-225-80 pp.167-377(September 1980)
Pages: 167-377

Reference (Geology): Murphy, B., 1980, Studies of mineralization at Spor Mountain, Utah, and a comprehensive Spor Mountain bibliography, in D. M. Burt, M. F. Sheridan, J. Bikun, E. Christiansen, B. P. Correa, B. Murphy, and S. Self (editors), Uranium mineralization in fluorine-enriched volcanic rocks; final report: U. S. Dep. Energy, Grand Junction Off., Grand Junction, CO, United States,GJBX-225-80 pp.378-414 (September 1980)
Pages: 378-414

Reference (Geology): Lindsey, David A., 2001, Beryllium deposits at Spor Mountain, Utah, in Proceedings of the 35th forum on the Geology of industrial minerals; the Intermountain West forum 1999: Utah Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Publication,
Pages: 73-78

Reference (Commodity): Lindsey, David A., 1977, Epithermal beryllium deposits in water-laid tuff, western Utah: Economic Geology, v. 72,
Pages: 219-232

Reference (Geology): Lindsey, David A., 1987, Volcanism and uranium mineralization at Spor Mountain, Utah, in Grodell, P.C. and Waters, P.C. (eds.) Uranium in volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Studies in Geology 13
Pages: 89-98

Reference (Geology): Christiansen, E.H., Bikun, J.V., Sheridan, M.F., and Burt, D.M., 1984, Geochemical evolution of topaz rhyolites from the Thomas Range and Spor Mountain, Utah: American Mineralogist, v. 69,
Pages: 223-236

Reference (Geology): Shawe, Daniel R., 1968, Geology of the Spor Mountain Beryllium District, Utah, in Ridge, John D. (editor), Ore Deposits of the United States, 1933-1967: American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc., The Graton-Sales Volume, v. 2
Pages: 1148-1161

Reference (Geology): Davis, Leland J., 1984, Beryllium deposits in the Spor Mountain area, Juab County, Utah, in Gloria J. Kerns and Raymond L. Kerns (editors), Geology of Northwest Utah, southern Idaho and Northeast Nevada: Utah Geological Association Publication 13
Pages: 173-183

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