Red Boy Mine Gallery

Red Boy Mine

Red Boy Mine

Photo Details

Mine: Red Boy Mine

Year: N/A

Copyright: n/a

Source: Credit Baker County Library, Baker City, Oregon

Photographer: N/A

Description: Red Boy Mine. Four miles southeasterly of Granite. on Clear Creek, is located the Red Boy, the property of Messrs. Godfrey & Tabor. It came into their possession about four years ago and hardly any work was done on it up to that time; in fact, there was only a 180 foot tunnel which cut the property about 75 feet below the apex of the hill. On the other properties the Congo, Gold Monarch and Blaine, there had hardly been enough work done to establish their true value. These are all patentable properties, as well as the Climax which has been located since Messrs. Godfrey & Tabor have driven a 500 foot tunnel on the Red Boy proper, and drifting north and south have cross cut 900 feet on the vein. A year and a half ago they started on the lower tunnel that cuts the Climax and Monarch, and are now crosscutting the Red Boy, the length of this tunnel is 1000 feet, and they are still working on it. In this piece of work they haven't as yet cut the Red Boy vein, but expect to soon. Their mill, which is now being erected, is a twenty stamp, 1000 Ib. 8 Johnson concentrators, run with water power. They have a. covered ditch 2 1/8 miles long, capable of carrying 1000 miner's inches. They have also erected a boarding house, shops and all necessary buildings. All this work has been done out of the profits of the mine, as well as the purchase of it, and the additional claims. The ledges are all large, running from one to eight feet wide, the ore bodies from 50 to several hundred feet in length. It yields from $14 to $20 per ton., 70 per cent. of the values in free gold. By many it is considered the best property in the state. Its owners are E. J. Godfrey and Clark Tabor, both mining men of years experience.

Source: p. 37, Souvenir Edition. Morning Democrat, Bowen & Small, Publishers, May 20th, 1898.