The Stewart Mine is a gold mine located in Chaffee county, Colorado at an elevation of 7,100 feet.
About the MRDS Data:
All mine locations were obtained from the USGS Mineral Resources Data System. The locations and other information in this database have not been verified for accuracy. It should be assumed that all mines are on private property.
Mine Info
Elevation: 7,100 Feet (2,164 Meters)
Commodity: Gold
Lat, Long: 39.04222, -106.57750
Map: View on Google Maps
Satelite View
MRDS mine locations are often very general, and in some cases are incorrect. Some mine remains have been covered or removed by modern industrial activity or by development of things like housing. The satellite view offers a quick glimpse as to whether the MRDS location corresponds to visible mine remains.
Stewart Mine MRDS details
Site Name
Primary: Stewart Mine
Secondary: Crystal Victoria Mine
Secondary: Nancy Cleo Mine
Primary: Gold
Secondary: Zinc
Secondary: Lead
Secondary: Silver
State: Colorado
County: Chaffee
District: Red Mountain District
Land Status
Land ownership: Unknown
Note: the land ownership field only identifies whether the area the mine is in is generally on public lands like Forest Service or BLM land, or if it is in an area that is generally private property. It does not definitively identify property status, nor does it indicate claim status or whether an area is open to prospecting. Always respect private property.
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Record Type: Site
Operation Category: Prospect
Operation Type: Underground
Mining Method: Unknown
Years of Production:
Significant: N
General Physiographic Area: Rocky Mountain System
Physiographic Province: Southern Rocky Mountains
Mineral Deposit Model
Model Name: Epithermal vein, Creede
Not available
Type: L
Description: block faults around collapse structure (caldera)
Alteration Type: L
Alteration Text: widespread pyritization and silicification
Name: Volcanic Rock (Aphanitic)
Role: Host
Age Type: Host Rock
Age Young: Oligocene
Name: Granodiorite
Role: Host
Age Type: Host Rock
Age Young: Proterozoic
Analytical Data
Not available
Ore: Altaite
Ore: Arsenopyrite
Ore: Chalcopyrite
Ore: Galena
Ore: Gold
Ore: Pyrite
Ore: Pyrrhotite
Ore: Sphalerite
Gangue: Calcite
Gangue: Quartz
Comment (Development): Adit, pits, and trenches have been made to explore mineralized structures.
Comment (Geology): NE-trending quartz-sulfide veins cut the granodiorite and volcanic rocks. Gold occurs in spotty high-grade pockets along the veins and shear zones.
Comment (Location): Mine is 1 mile east of Grizzly Peak on the north side of McNasser Gulch, and about 17 miles west of Granite, in the NW/4 sec. 5, T 12 S, R 82 W.
Comment (Production): A small amount of high-grade gold ore has been produced during exploration and development work.
Reference (Deposit): Baskin, G. D., 1987, Mineral resources of the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness, Chaffee, Gunnison, Lake, and Pitkin Counties, Colorado: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open File Report MLA 45-87, 100 p.
Reference (Deposit): Sunshine Mining Co. Colorado exploration files, unpublished data, Colorado Geological Survey.
Reference (Deposit): COLO BOM 1969
Colorado Mining Photos
Check out this collection of Colorado's best historic mining photos: Incredible Photos of Colorado Mining Scenes.