The Courthouse vein system is a gold and silver mine located in Huerfano county, Colorado.
About the MRDS Data:
All mine locations were obtained from the USGS Mineral Resources Data System. The locations and other information in this database have not been verified for accuracy. It should be assumed that all mines are on private property.
Mine Info
Satelite View
MRDS mine locations are often very general, and in some cases are incorrect. Some mine remains have been covered or removed by modern industrial activity or by development of things like housing. The satellite view offers a quick glimpse as to whether the MRDS location corresponds to visible mine remains.
Courthouse vein system MRDS details
Site Name
Primary: Courthouse vein system
Secondary: Dividend/Eagle Plume adit
Secondary: Hawkins adit
Secondary: Goodman claims
Secondary: Coronado Group
Secondary: McMillan Group
Primary: Gold
Primary: Silver
Secondary: Tungsten
Tertiary: Tellurium
State: Colorado
County: Huerfano
District: Blanca District
Land Status
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Record Type: Site
Operation Category: Past Producer
Operation Type: Underground
Years of Production:
Significant: N
Not available
Mineral Deposit Model
Model Name: Epithermal veins
Not available
Not available
Not available
Name: Gabbro
Role: Associated
Description: dikes
Age Type: Associated Rock
Age Young: Tertiary
Name: Tonalite
Role: Host
Age Type: Host Rock Unit
Age Young: Mesoproterozoic
Name: Gabbro
Role: Host
Age Type: Host Rock Unit
Age Young: Mesoproterozoic
Name: Rhyolite
Role: Associated
Description: dikes
Age Type: Associated Rock
Age Young: Tertiary
Analytical Data
Not available
Ore: Chalcopyrite
Ore: Wolframite
Ore: Tetrahedrite
Ore: Sylvanite
Ore: Sphalerite
Ore: Scheelite
Ore: Pyrite
Ore: Polybasite
Ore: Pearceite
Ore: Galena
Ore: Gold
Ore: Hessite
Ore: Jalpaite
Ore: Melonite
Gangue: Quartz
Gangue: Pyrrhotite
Gangue: Muscovite
Gangue: Magnetite
Gangue: Orthoclase
Gangue: Epidote
Gangue: Chlorite
Gangue: Calcite
Gangue: Barite
Gangue: Ankerite
Gangue: Sericite
Comment (Reserve-Resource): The U.S. Bureau of Mines estimated resources of 4 million tons grading 0.4 oz/ton gold, 8 oz/ton silver, and 0.01% WO3. (Scott, 1986)
Comment (Geology): The quartz-sulfide vein trends NNW, dips NE and can be traced for more than 3 miles.
Comment (Location): The claims total about 140 acres and lie within 1 mile NNE of Blanca Peak, in secs. 19 and 30, T 28 S, R 72 W.
Reference (Deposit): Ellis, C.E., Hannigan, B.J., and Thompson, J.R., 1983, Mineral investigation of the Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Study Area, Alamosa, Custer, Fremont, Huerfano, and Saguache Counties, Colorado: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open File Report MLA 65-83, 190 p.
Reference (Names): Sunshine Mining Co. Colorado exploration files, unpublished data, Colorado Geological Survey.
Reference (Deposit): Scott, D. C., 1986, Gold, silver, and tungsten resources of the Courthouse vein system, Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Study Area, Alamosa and Huerfano counties, Colorado: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open File Report MLA 52-86, 28 p.
Reference (Deposit): Ellis, C. E., 1988, Mineralogy and configuration of the Courthouse vein system, Alamosa, Costilla, and Huerfano counties, Colorado: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open File Report MLA 32-88, 36 p.
Reference (Reserve-Resource): Scott, 1986.
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