Hahns Peak District

The Hahns Peak District is a gold mine located in Routt county, Colorado.

About the MRDS Data:

All mine locations were obtained from the USGS Mineral Resources Data System. The locations and other information in this database have not been verified for accuracy. It should be assumed that all mines are on private property.

Mine Info

Name: Hahns Peak District

State:  Colorado

County:  Routt


Commodity: Gold

Lat, Long: 40.84278, -106.92861

Map: View on Google Maps

Satelite View

MRDS mine locations are often very general, and in some cases are incorrect. Some mine remains have been covered or removed by modern industrial activity or by development of things like housing. The satellite view offers a quick glimpse as to whether the MRDS location corresponds to visible mine remains.

Satelite image of the Hahns Peak District

Hahns Peak District MRDS details

Site Name

Primary: Hahns Peak District
Secondary: Columbine


Primary: Gold
Secondary: Silver
Secondary: Lead
Secondary: Zinc
Tertiary: Copper
Tertiary: Molybdenum


State: Colorado
County: Routt
District: Hahns Peak District

Land Status

Not available


Not available


Not available


Not available


Not available


Record Type: District
Operation Category: Prospect
Operation Type: Unknown
Years of Production:
Significant: Y


Not available

Mineral Deposit Model

Not available


Not available


Type: L
Description: breccia pipe in porphyry stock


Alteration Type: L
Alteration Text: silicification, sericitization, kaolinitization, pyritization


Name: Clastic Sedimentary Rock
Role: Associated
Age Type: Associated Rock
Age Young: Pliocene

Name: Shale
Role: Associated
Age Type: Associated Rock
Age Young: Miocene

Name: Sandstone
Role: Associated
Age Type: Associated Rock
Age Young: Cretaceous

Name: Clastic Sedimentary Rock
Role: Associated
Age Type: Associated Rock
Age Young: Early Cretaceous

Name: Porphyry
Role: Host
Age Type: Host Rock
Age Young: Late Jurassic

Analytical Data

Not available


Ore: Galena
Ore: Pyrite
Ore: Sphalerite
Ore: Tetrahedrite
Gangue: Variscite
Gangue: Wavellite
Trace: Chalcopyrite
Trace: Covellite
Trace: Proustite


Comment (Commodity): Potential exploration targets are disseminated silver-lead-zinc deposits, copper-molybdenum deposits, and gold deposits.

Comment (Development): The area near Hahns Peak has been prospected extensively since placer gold was discovered in 1864. From the 1960s to the 1990s, intensive exploration, including geochemical and geophysical surveys, drilling and drifting, has been conducted.

Comment (Geology): A porphyry stock, and related dikes and sills, intrudes and domes Precambrian to Miocene rocks. The stock has been intensely altered, brecciated, and mineralized.

Comment (Geology): A zone of breccia just SE of Hahns Peak contains highly anomalous values of silver, lead, and zinc, plus anomalous copper and molybdenum. (USGS Bulletin 1367)

Comment (Reserve-Resource): USGS studies indicate a large tonnage of very low grade material: a mineralized zone contains 1.3 million tons at a grade of 0.58 oz/ton silver, 0.5% lead and 0.2% zinc, and a larger zone contains 710 million tons at a grade of 0.29 oz/ton silver, 0.1% lead, and 0.06% zinc. (USGS Bulletin 1367) Although the tonnage of contained metals is high, it is doubtful that this material would be a resource because the grade is so low.

Comment (Location): District is centered on Hahns Peak about 25 miles north of Steamboat Springs, in sec 9, T 10 N, R 85 W. It includes an indefinite area about 10 miles east-west and 5 miles north-south.

Comment (Production): Modest placer gold production valued at $200,000 (10,000 oz) to $500,000 (25,000 oz), plus small amounts of silver-copper-lead-zinc ore.


Reference (Deposit): Neubert, J. T., 1994, Mineral appraisal of Routt National Forest, Colorado: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open File Report MLA 13-94, 64 p., appendicies.

Reference (Deposit): George, R. D., and Crawford, R. D., 1909, The Hahns Peak region, Routt County, Colorado: Colorado Geological Survey First Report, 1908, p. 189-229.

Reference (Reserve-Resource): Young, E. J., and Segerstrom, K., 1973, A disseminated silver-lead-zinc sulfide occurrence at Hahns Peak, Routt County, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1367, 33 p.

Colorado Mining Photos

Placer mines at Cripple Creek, Colorado ca. 1892

Check out this collection of Colorado's best historic mining photos: Incredible Photos of Colorado Mining Scenes.