Location and History
Hite Cove is in central Mariposa County on the South Fork of the Merced River. Placer mining began in the area shortly after the beginning of the gold rush, and the Hite mine was discovered in 1862 by John R. Hite. He operated the property for 17 years and became quite rich. The mine was active again during the early 1900s. There has been some prospecting in the area in recent years.
Geology and Ore Deposits
The district is underlain by graphitic schist and slate, quartzite, and hornfels. These rocks are cut by a variety of aplitic and granitic dikes, some of which are associated with gold-quartz veins. There are a number of northwest-striking quartz veins up to 12 feet thick. The are contains native gold and often abundant sulfides. The greatest depth of development is about 800 feet.
Brown Bear, Bunker Hill, Confidence, Emma, Eureka, Georgia Point, Hite $3 million, Hite Central, Kaderitas, Mexican, Williams.
Bowen, O. E., Jr., 1957, Mariposa County, lode mines: California Jour. mines and Geology, vol. 53, pp. 72-187.
Castello, W. O., 1921. Mariposa County, Hite Cove district: California Min. Bur. Rept. 17, p. 94.
Lowell, F. L, 1916, Mariposa Caunty, Hite mine: California Min. Bur. Rept. 14, pp. 583-584.