This district is in central San Bernardino County about 35 miles northeast of Daggett. It is named for the Alvord mine, the chief producer in the district. Gold was discovered here in 1885, and the Alvord mine has been intermittently worked ever since.
The area is underlain by crystalline limestone, granite, and in places by volcanic rocks. A siliceous vein at the Alvord mine contains jasper, calcite, hematite, pyrite, limonite, and free gold. Minor copper mineralization is present. Ore mined in the past commonly yielded 1/2 ounce of gold or more per ton.
Storms, W.B., 1893, Alvord mine: California Min. Bur. Rept. 11, pp. 359-360.
Wright, L. A., et al, 1953, San Bernardino County, Alvord mine: California Jour. Mines and Geol., vol. 49, p. 70.