Jolon is in southern Monterey County near Mission San Antonio de Padua. Small amounts of placer gold have been recovered from several streams in the area, beginning about 1850. In 1877 and 1878 several thousand dollars worth of gold were recovered by Chinese miners and sold to the local store. There was prospecting again around 1914, but apparently nothing has been done since. The gold was recovered from Mission and Ruby Canyons and from gulches in the Santa Lucia Mountains just to the west. The gold was principally coarse nuggets, some more than 1/4 ounce.
Hart, E. W., 1966, Monterey County, Jolon Area: California Div. Mines and Geology County Report 5, p. 45.
Waring, C. A., and Bradley, W. W., 1919, Monterey County, Jolon District: California Min. Bur. Rept. 16, p. 606.