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lockedThe Red Cloud Mine

From the The Mineralogical Record, Volume 11, No. 3.2, May-June, 1980: : “The story of the Red Cloud mine began over 100 years ago in one of the oldest mining districts in Arizona. Since that time the mine has regularly produced specimens of red wulfenite which, in form, color, luster and esthetics, are universally acknowledged as the finest in the world. The locality is still producing such specimens.”  Continue Reading

lockedHistory of the New Almaden Mines

This article describes the fascinating history of the New Almaden quicksilver mines located in Santa Clara County, California. While many have heard of New Almaden, it is often overlooked that the state’s first lode mining operation was also the site of bonanza ores that rivaled many of the West’s great gold mines in the value of the metals produced.  Continue Reading