The Mineralogical Record

Articles in this category were originally published in The Mineralogical Record.

lockedThe Red Cloud Mine

From the The Mineralogical Record, Volume 11, No. 3.2, May-June, 1980: : “The story of the Red Cloud mine began over 100 years ago in one of the oldest mining districts in Arizona. Since that time the mine has regularly produced specimens of red wulfenite which, in form, color, luster and esthetics, are universally acknowledged as the finest in the world. The locality is still producing such specimens.”  Continue Reading

lockedThe Mines and Minerals of Darwin California

From the Mineralogical Record, Volume 15, No. 1, January-February 1984: “The Darwin district has been a source of lead, silver and tungsten for over 100 years, and nearly 100 different mineral species have been found there. Its long history and interesting mineralogy have made the area popular with California mining historians, economic geologists and mineral collectors.”  Continue Reading

The Mines and Minerals of Leadville

The Colorado Mining Directory of 1883 called Leadville the “natural successor to Australia and California.” In the century since that statement was made, interest has never waned and production has never entirely ceased. Not only valuable ore but also fine mineral specimens have been recovered and preserved from many of the nearly 2000 mines in the Leadville area.  Continue Reading

lockedThe Hamburg Mine and Vicinity, Yuma County, Arizona

From the The Mineralogical Record, Volume 11, No. 3.2, May-June, 1980: “Brilliant, transparent crystals of vanadinite with an unsurpassed, deep red color have been found since the late 1800’s at the Hamburg mine, Yuma County, Arizona. Although sometimes overshadowed by the nearby Red Cloud mine, this old Dana locality still pro­duces some of Arizona’s finest vanadinite in crystals from micromount size to more than a centimeter.”  Continue Reading

lockedNative Gold From the Jamestown Mine

From The Mineralogical Record, volume 25, January-February, 1994: “On December 26, 1992, owners of the Jamestown mine in Tuolumne County, California, received an unexpected Christmas present. Excavation in the company’s Crystalline pit revealed a ‘pocket’ of crystalline leaf gold. Approximately 1,568 ounces of specimen gold were collected in all. The largest piece, weighing in at 25.79 kg (69 troy pounds), ranks as one of the largest specimens of gold ever found in California, or the nation.”  Continue Reading