Brown & Pierce General Store - Cornucopia

Brown & Pierce General Store - Cornucopia
Brown & Pierce General Store - Cornucopia

Photo Description

Brown & Pierce General Store. Note on back of photo: "Brown & Pierce store building at Cornucopia, Oregon. N. D. Brown & William Pierce. Picture taken about 1901. Left to right: first three unknown, Brown in shirt sleeves leaning against post, four children seated Jess Brown, Patrick, Johnie, and Mary Galagher, right of post Pat Mills, back row Joe Mobrey, next two unknown, Bud Patterson standing. Second story of building used for a dance hall, entrance to stairway was door at left. Second story enclosure at left was a small room where caskets were stored, which was part of a general merchandise stock at that time, no undertakers. Notice sacks of blacksmith coal on porch, weight 200 lbs. per sack."

Text courtesy of the Baker County Library website