Unnamed (northeast of upper Wood River)

The Unnamed (northeast of upper Wood River) is a gold mine located in Alaska.

About the MRDS Data:

All mine locations were obtained from the USGS Mineral Resources Data System. The locations and other information in this database have not been verified for accuracy. It should be assumed that all mines are on private property.

Mine Info

Name: Unnamed (northeast of upper Wood River)  

State:  Alaska

County:  na


Commodity: Gold

Lat, Long: 63.73806, -147.56611

Map: View on Google Maps

Satelite View

MRDS mine locations are often very general, and in some cases are incorrect. Some mine remains have been covered or removed by modern industrial activity or by development of things like housing. The satellite view offers a quick glimpse as to whether the MRDS location corresponds to visible mine remains.

Satelite image of the Unnamed (northeast of upper Wood River)

Unnamed (northeast of upper Wood River) MRDS details

Site Name

Primary: Unnamed (northeast of upper Wood River)


Primary: Gold
Secondary: Copper


State: Alaska
District: Bonnifield

Land Status

Not available


Not available


Not available


Not available


Not available


Record Type: Site
Operation Category: Occurrence
Operation Type: Unknown
Years of Production:


Not available

Mineral Deposit Model

Not available


Not available


Not available


Alteration Type: L
Alteration Text: Locally conspicuous iron staining and oxidation of copper minerals.


Not available

Analytical Data

Not available


Ore: Malachite


Comment (Reference): Primary Reference = Sherwood and others, 1976

Comment (Workings): Workings / Exploration = Surface exploration only. Samples of the gossan contained 1 ppm gold (Sherwood and others, 1976).

Comment (Geology): Geologic Description = The country rocks in the area of this occurrence are Upper Triassic carbonaceous, calcareous shale, argillite, sandstone, siltstone, and limestone, along with numerous dikes, sills, and small plugs of altered diabase and gabbro (Wilson and others, 1998). The occurrence consists of gossan, and of malachite in fractures in the sedimentary rocks. Samples of the gossan contained 1 ppm gold (Sherwood and others, 1976).

Comment (Exploration): Status = Inactive


Reference (Deposit): Sherwood, K.W., Craddock, Campbell, and Smith, T.E., 1976, Mineral occurrences in the upper Wood River, Edgar Creek, and West Fork Glacier areas, central Alaska Range: Alaska Division of Geological "&" Geophysical Surveys Special Report 14, 13 p.

Reference (Deposit): Wilson, F.H., Dover, J.H., Bradley, D.C., Weber, F.R., Bundtzen, T.K., and Haeussler, P.J., 1998, Geologic map of central (interior) Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-133, 17 p., 2 sheetsm, scale 1:500,000.

The Top Ten Gold Producing States

The Top Ten Gold Producing States

These ten states contributed the most to the gold production that built the West from 1848 through the 1930s. The Top Ten Gold Producing States.