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lockedThe Mines and Minerals of Darwin California

From the Mineralogical Record, Volume 15, No. 1, January-February 1984: “The Darwin district has been a source of lead, silver and tungsten for over 100 years, and nearly 100 different mineral species have been found there. Its long history and interesting mineralogy have made the area popular with California mining historians, economic geologists and mineral collectors.”  Continue Reading

lockedGoldfield, Nevada: The Arthur Allen Albums

Photographer Arthur Allen captured many important scenes from Goldfield, Nevada’s peak years – from the budding camp that was just a collection of tents in the fall of 1903, to the thriving community that was described as “The World’s Greatest Gold Camp”, and was Nevada’s largest city by the middle of the decade. “Goldfield, Nevada: The Arthur Allen Albums” presents over 100 photos of the city, the mines, and cultural events that occurred during Goldfield’s boom years.  Continue Reading

lockedPhotos from the Thunder Mountain Gold Rush in Idaho

The rush to Thunder Mountain in early 1902 was one of the most significant events in Idaho mining history, and one of the West’s most harrowing survival stories. A site visitor donated an album of photos from the area during the height of the excitement here around 1902. The photos have been restored and are presented here for supporting members.  Continue Reading

lockedThe Hamburg Mine and Vicinity, Yuma County, Arizona

From the The Mineralogical Record, Volume 11, No. 3.2, May-June, 1980: “Brilliant, transparent crystals of vanadinite with an unsurpassed, deep red color have been found since the late 1800’s at the Hamburg mine, Yuma County, Arizona. Although sometimes overshadowed by the nearby Red Cloud mine, this old Dana locality still pro­duces some of Arizona’s finest vanadinite in crystals from micromount size to more than a centimeter.”  Continue Reading

lockedNative Gold From the Jamestown Mine

From The Mineralogical Record, volume 25, January-February, 1994: “On December 26, 1992, owners of the Jamestown mine in Tuolumne County, California, received an unexpected Christmas present. Excavation in the company’s Crystalline pit revealed a ‘pocket’ of crystalline leaf gold. Approximately 1,568 ounces of specimen gold were collected in all. The largest piece, weighing in at 25.79 kg (69 troy pounds), ranks as one of the largest specimens of gold ever found in California, or the nation.”  Continue Reading